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YMMV / Untamed Youth

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  • Complete Monster: Russ Tropp is a greedy, conscienceless cotton baron in the Southwestern US. Rapidly losing money due to a labor shortage, Russ seduces Judge Cecilia Steele and persuades her to send juvenile offenders to work for him as a "humane" alternative to prison. In reality, he pays them in pennies, works them until they drop—to the point that in one case, a pregnant girl suffers a miscarriage and bleeds to death — feeds them dog food disguised as meat, and sexually exploits the girls, a fate which the heroine Penny Lowe barely escapes; others aren't so lucky. He attempts to conceal his crimes from his new wife and his stepson Bob, who ultimately discovers that Russ is plotting with a Mexican Human Trafficking ring to sell some of the kids into slavery across the border.
  • One-Scene Wonder: The incongruously articulate chef who appears in two scenes and feels like he came from a different movie.
