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YMMV / 12 Feet Deep

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  • Fanon Welding: Some viewers added up Tobin Bell's cameo, plus the fact that the plot centers around two women in a makeshift Death Trap, and came to the conclusion that the film is a spin-off of Saw detailing one of Jigsaw's games. Keep in mind that nothing else in the movie has anything to do with Saw.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Let's face it. One of the only reasons to see this film is for Tobin Bell's short cameo.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Clara is supposed to be an Anti-Villain, but many viewers found her impossible to sympathize with even knowing that she just got out of prison and desperately needs money to support her kids due to her abusive and cruel treatment of the girls and cowardly nature. It's honestly quite insane that she is Easily Forgiven in the end and gets zero repercussions for her actions.
