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YMMV / The White Tiger

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • How much of Balram's murder of Ashok was influenced by his own ambition and how much was influenced by his increasingly wild and abusive behaviour towards him?
    • Was Ashok really the Token Good Teammate Nice Guy of his family, or is he the same entitled, elitist jackass as his brother and father? Did the incident drive him to act like a Jerkass, or simply revealed his true colours? Complicating matters is that even towards the end, he still has some Pet the Dog moments with Balram.
  • Ho Yay: Between Balram and Ashok.
    • Balram describes first meeting Ashok as fate and stares open-mouthed at him, remarking "I knew then this was the master for me".
    • "My master's fruit-flavoured perfume rushed into my nostrils"
    • After Pinky leaves Ashok, Balram outright states that it is his duty to "be like a wife to him" as he takes Ashok out for dinners and to temples.
    • Balram describes Ashok as his "ex" and that he misses him in the end.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Balram Halwai was once a brilliant child robbed of the chance for a good education. Charming his way into the employ of a wealthy businessman, Balram plays to his prejudice to get the family's head chauffeur fired to take the job himself. Becoming friends with the man's younger son Ashok and his wife, Balram realizes the depths of Ashok's cowardice when he tries to have Balram framed for a hit-and-run his drunken wife committed. Also learning Ashok means to replace him, Balram lures out Ashok to kill him and rob the family, escaping to bribe the police and opening a massively successful taxi company and ready to become a major player in the Asian business world.
  • What Do You Mean, It's Not Symbolic?: Quite a few. The Black Fort, Balram's obsession with chandeliers, the whiskey bottles...
  • The Woobie: Balram's dad. He's been poor and miserable his entire life, is abused by the women in his family and puts all of his efforts into making sure Balram receives the education he needs to have a good life, only to die painfully on the floor of a government hospital of tuberculosis.
