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YMMV / The Spectacular Spider-Man: Lost in Gotham

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  • Word of God: The author mentions a lot of details about the story in the notes section, usually confirming things, answering questions the reader might have had, or simply adding details. For example:
    • When Bruce officially took in Peter, Nightwing and Red Hood sent out a mass message to the Justice League, Titans, Outlaws, etc saying Bruce adopted another child. The collective response was "Again?".
    • Spoiler sent the video of Dick and Peter's acrobatics competition to Dick, who sent it to Wally West, who sent it to the other Flashes, who sent it to the Justice League and Young Justice.
    • Connor Kent and one of the Flashes were considering kidnapping Spider-Man and bringing him to visit the Watchtower. The only reason they didn't was because Batman knows where everyone lives.
    • The Spider-Shake is a strawberry/dark chocolate chip milkshake with blue sprinkles.
    • Commissioner Gordon figured out that Barbara was Batgirl, but he does not know that she became Oracle (although he believes she's still regularly in contact with the other Bats).
    • Dick owns and manages a gym in Bludhaven.
    • The ages of the Bat family (see here).
    • The chandelier in the main hall has been reinforced to hold several humans. Bruce had this done after eight-year-old Dick was caught using it as a trapeze swing.
    • Peter does not have romantic feelings for Cassandra Cain or Stephanie Brown. His relationship with them is more like that of brother and sisters (plus, Stephanie is shown to be in a relationship with Harper Row/Bluebird).
    • Orphan is a Wonder Woman fan girl.
    • Peter went through the Five Stages of Grief during his first month in Gotham.
    • Batman actually incorporated some of Spider-Man's web-swinging moves into how he uses his grappling hook.
    • Damian has tried to steal the Bat Mobile for joy rides before. Batman caught him every time.
    • Peter calls his adopted brothers "bro", much like he did with Eddie.
    • Bruce, in case he gets severely injured and can't leave the house, has a list of prepared excuses that are mundane/embarrassing enough that no one will ask questions (and also make Bruce Wayne look stupid so no one will suspect anything). Some of the excuses include: "Hurt his back when was singing in the shower and slipped", "Gave himself a concussion after walking into a door", "Tripped on his own legs walking downstairs", "Stepped on the dog's tail and got bitten", and "Got serious burns from pouring scalding hot soup on himself".
    • Dick once gave Alfred the Bat-Rhoomba as a gift.
