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YMMV / The Simpsons S 6 E 17 Homer Vs Patty And Selma

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  • Memetic Mutation: Bart as the "Rat Boy" has become a huge meme on the Spanish-speaking Internet, where he is called "niño rata". It has turned into a term for obnoxious gamer kids and inspired characters such as Niño Ratta on Negas channel.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: Patty and Selma’s supervisor at the DMV comes close to firing them for “smoking in a government building”. In the decades since the episode first aired, however, smoking bans for all enclosed workplaces in most U.S. states would stiffen considerably, leaving many modern viewers wondering why the supervisor would even make the distinction of a government building to begin with.
  • Values Resonance: The subplot about Bart getting into ballet is well-suited to societies who feel that boys should be allowed to do ballet without being shamed. It's particularly appealing as Bart is often not "girly" at all, so it promotes the idea that any boy can like dancing.
