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YMMV / The Man Without a Country

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  • Glurge: As much as it tries to pretend to be a manly man's story set among the men of the Navy, the whole thing is really glurge-y. The moral lesson is: love your country dammit, because if you don't have a country your life is worthless and you dwindle into a pathetic loner obsessed with the whole notion of "country." Never mind that patriotism for the sake of patriotism is naive at best, or that what happened in the story was a form of low-key brainwashing, making the man's life revolve around the lack of the United States — it's really nauseating.
  • Karmic Overkill: Nolan’s punishment is really quite excessive. Imprisoning him normally without censoring his news, or just exiling him, would both have been more reasonable.
