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YMMV / The Last of the Curlews

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  • Awesome Music: The songs are quite beautiful.
  • Moral Event Horizon: The movie makes it clear with his Evil Grin, that the farmer who shot the female enjoyed every moment of it.
  • Science Marches On: The book and the special may have jumped the gun on the extinction of curlews, but sadly this may have turned to Science Catches Up.
  • Tear Jerker: The premise, more when the Curlew sees the last female die, leaving him completely alone, and truly the Last of His Kind.
  • The Woobie: The Curlew. He starts the special alone holding a nest for years for a mate that never comes. He takes up with some other birds just to not feel lonely. Then when things start to look up, he watches the only female curlew left get shot by a cruel farmer and then die in front of him. He flies off alone again as the narration implies he will die alone.
