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YMMV / The Inspector Wears Skirts

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  • Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: The rollerblade musical number of the first movie comes literally out of nowhere, lasts for 4 minutes onscreen, and doesn't really add anything to the plot. It's over as suddenly as it begun.
  • Even Better Sequel: Inspector Wears Skirt IV, only because it stars Moon Lee AND Cynthia Khan, and they get to fight each other.
  • Values Resonance: The series were ahead of its' time when it came to female-led action stars. Not only did the series have them display action-orientated scene but also showed the forms of sexism women endure in a traditionally male-dominated field, and how it's NOT okay. And each female character were given their own agency in their respective desires and not being punished and/or shamed for it.
