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YMMV / The Hours

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  • Awesome Music: So good it's become Philip Glass' signature piece. Do yourself a favour and listen.
  • Consolation Award: Nicole Kidman winning the Academy Award for Best Actress for this movie was widely considered an attempt to make up for her not winning the previous year for Moulin Rouge!.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In the novel, Clarissa frequently references how much she would like to be a famous actress like Meryl Streep who, of course, went on to play her in the film adaptation.
  • Tear Jerker
    • Richard's suicide
    • The boy, a very young Richard, screaming for his mother, who's clearly on her way to commit suicide, from the window. He senses that something is very wrong and that he might never see his mother again, without quite understanding how to articulate his fear.
    • Virginia contemplating the dead bird.
    • There is nothing sadder than hearing Nicole Kidman read the suicide letter that Virginia wrote to Leonard what makes it worse is that she reads the whole thing.
    • Virginia's husband breaking down.
