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YMMV / The Candy Shop War

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  • Fridge Logic: Mirror Mints—you need one every time you want to pass through the glass. If you have only one mint, you can get into the mirror, but not out. When someone gets trapped in a mirror with no mints, it's treated as a serious, nigh-unsolvable issue because the heroes only have two mints left—either way, someone ends up trapped. No one brings up the possibility of someone eating one mint, holding the second mint in hand, passing only their hand into the mirror world, and then pulling their hand out again when their friend takes the mint. Nothing in the story suggests this wouldn't work.
  • Nightmare Fuel: If we listed it here, we'd be up all night, ironically preventing you from sleeping and actually having nightmares. Special notice goes to the Flatman, who actually came from a nightmare the author's uncle had.
    • If you're even the slightest bit arachnophobic, the giant black widow spiders.
  • The Woobie: The Flatman. He's a hideous abomination, but... so pitiable! In particular, because his greatest worry is being alone.
