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YMMV / Strange Love

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  • Best Known for the Fanservice: More like only known for the fanservice. If not for the fact that the main character is a sexy redheaded bombshell with a ton of nude scenes likely no one would ever bother to remember this anime exists. Even people who can't seem remember a single character's name tend to recall two very prominent features of the main heroine perfectly every time.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: One of the biggest problems with the OVA is that virtually all of the characters are unlikable and/or annoying including the main characters.
    • Karasawa is probably supposed to be an "unlucky everyman" type but is so horny, pathetic and just plain unlikable that it quickly becomes frustrating to watch him ineptly stumble through the first episode in his pursuit of Chizuru's affections. The fact that he sees no problem with threating to rape his own student and even goes so far as to make an actual attempt at it when she handcuffs him to a table makes him come off more as a complete scumbag than the dorky loser the writers were probably going for. Not exactly the type of guy that makes the viewers want to root for him.
    • Chizuru herself is arguably the worst character on the show, which is unfortunate as she's supposed to be the main protagonist. She regularly manipulates and toys with men mentally and emotionally and plays weird sex games with them, fully expecting to get out of any serious consequences afterwards. Not only that she chooses to stick around with Karasawa after he makes a rape threat towards her and even lies that she's a virgin in spite of having a rock star boyfriend. While some viewers may feel sympathy for her conflicted feelings between her new crush and current boyfriend she comes across as way too manipulative and arrogant to truly pity when she gets caught up in the center of a love triangle in the second episode.
