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YMMV / Spirit of the Century

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  • Popular Game Variant: Despite being the first FATE game to hit the market, the game had a notoriously bad stress system that was almost universally house ruled over. There are still a great many variations out there.
    • When Dresden Files came out it used one of these variations to have consequences be conditional, but mostly left things the same save for decreasing just how much stress characters could take. Well, without getting into Toughness Powers.
    • To wit, pretty much any incarnation of the Fate system post-SotC handled stress differently from it, and not all of them even did it the same way — Evil Hat's own The Dresden Files shortened the stress track as above, Cubicle 7's licensed twins Starblazer Adventures and Legends Of Anglerre kept the length but turned the tracks strictly linear so that each point of damage would take off a box...
    • In addition, pretty much every incarnation of the Fate system invites players and Game Masters to create their own stunts as needed, though earlier versions with their extensive stunt shopping lists could make this task look rather daunting. The Fate Core System released in 2013 explicitly puts the responsibility of customizing the system to their own needs more into each playing group's own hands — tweaking the skill list to taste, creating new stunts and other add-on "extras", it's all on the table, usually complete with guidelines, explanations, and examples.
