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YMMV / Son of Rambow

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  • Jerkass Woobie:
    • Lee is a juvenile delinquent, and initially at least is a cruel bully towards Will. It becomes clear why Lee acts the way he does when we see his dysfunctional home and family life - his father and mother are gone and the only adult influence in Lee's life is a thuggish older brother.
    • Didier is cocky and full of false bravado - but under the superficial "coolness" he's actually a coward and a False Friend who abandoned Will during a potentially dangerous situation. Didier acts this way among his English friends (who see him as cool and exotic) to overcompensate for his own insecurity about being seen as a weird outcast among his own French classmates.
  • Tear Jerker: One such moment comes near the end of the film, when Didier returns to France. The whole school shows up to wish him goodbye and some of his admirers give him a bouquet of flowers. Then when he gets on the bus, the other French exchange students make fun of him and he drops and ruins his bouquet. Not the most Tearjerky, by far, but it still gets you.
