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YMMV / Shadow Ops: Red Mercury

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  • Complete Monster: Kate Daniels is a CIA agent and the true mastermind behind the events of the game. Allying with Russian Foreign Intelligence Service agent Yuri Entropov, Kate hired Vladimir Styanovich, aka "Vlady the Vicious", to steal two "Red Mercury" nuclear bombs from Russia. When Vlady failed to deliver the nuke to her and tried to deactivate it, Kate remotely detonated it, killing countless soldiers and Vlady himself. Escaping and killing Yuri after he stopped being useful, Kate revealed that she intended to "shake things up" by using the remaining nuke to kill world leaders, before she rigged the train she was on full of explosives and sent it to crash into the station filled with innocent people. Arriving in Paris and reaching the top of the Eiffel Tower, Kate hoped to detonate the nuke there to maximize its blast radius and destroy the entire city.
