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YMMV / Scribblenauts Unmasked

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Brainiac stands in stark contrast to the rest of the series. Once again a being desiring perfection, he manipulates the friendship-seeking Doppelganger into helping other villains cause mayhem and destruction so that he can collect the Star Sprites. Hacking Cyborg into leading the Justice League into a trap, Brainiac steals Lily's globe and reveals his plan: gather up his 52 other versions from the multiverse, for a Hive Mind, and destroy ever living being in the multiverse so that he remains, calling them "imperfect" compared to him.
    • A Crisis of Imagination comic: Anti-Monitor sends his Shadow Demons to possess civilians to instigate chaos across the universe while supplying advance weapons to several supervillains to further spread destruction and corrupt heroes into fighting their own allies. The Anti-Monitor later has his Weaponers invade the planet Rann, installing a tower to telepathically control the civilians into attacking each other. When his fortress has been invaded by the Justice League, Anti-Monitor destroys Brainiac's ship, knocking out almost all of the heroes, and attempts to kill Maxwell and his twin sister Lily until the Phantom Stranger intervenes, at which point Anti-Monitor murders the latter by erasing him from existence. Anti-Monitor imprisons all of the defeated heroes within his tower until Maxwell and his friends break them out and attack Anti-Monitor, to which he would later activate his tower and successfully destroys the multiverse, leaving nothing but a blank void.
  • Funny Moments: At one point Doppleganger creates a whole movie crew to record Maxwell saying he needs his help. This includes a "Best Boy", which he interprets as a kid with a halo and a #1 medal. He doesn't know what the best boy does, but knows all movies are supposed to have one.
    • Madam Xanadu predicted that all four Scribblenauts would arrive to her... but she didn't predict that Maxwell and Doppleganger would be having a fight between a Mini Liger and a Tiny Tigon as they arrived
