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YMMV / Red Dwarf Season V "Demons & Angels"

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  • Ho Yay:
    • Rimmer's 'low' self threatens to 'have' Lister. And considering that their low selves are made up of the worst parts of them, might there be some elements of this in the real Rimmer?
    • We see Rimmer and Lister's high selves expressing their affection for each other, in the same flowerey language of the highs:
      High Lister: Have I told you today how much I love thee, brother? How much my heart glimmers like a new born star when I gaze upon thine beauteous countenance?
      High Rimmer: Thy love refreshes and cleanses me like a babbling mountain stream, brother.
      • This could just be the highs being the highs, however, it's noteworthy that it is specifically High Lister and High Rimmer who share this moment.
