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  • Complete Monster: Orestes Milton is an alien Arms Dealer who specializes in mind-controlled, genetically altered sapient beings. When the Doctor and the Paternoster Gang investigate him in connection to a murder, he kidnaps Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint, and holds them hostage against the Doctor. During this time, Milton reveals that he has been having one of his "weapons", Empath, drain the life from angry Londoners to create a Hate Plague, which he will unleash on London for a product demonstration. Upon finding out the Doctor is a Time Lord, Milton decides to kill him, first exposing him to the hate plague to try to force him to kill Clara Oswald or die resisting, then ordering Empath to drain them both. Milton then hides in his spaceship and unleashes the hate plague, admitting to Clara that he's not sorry at all for any of it.
