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  • Complete Monster: Dr. Amelia Jain is the seemingly kind school psychiatrist of Nottawa High School, but in truth is secretly behind everything in the novel. Working for the government, Jain set up the social media site NEED to test what ordinary citizens are willing to do by having them do assignments for NEED in exchange for rewards. Using these assignments, Jain arranges things such as a tricking Amanda into eating a cookie she's allergic to, resulting in her death; sabotaging a man's car, causing a fatal car crash; replacing a woman's Tylenol, causing her to be hospitalized; or leaving a girl tied up in the school while having a firebomb set up there. When Kaylee Dunham tries to expose NEED, Jain manipulates people into believing she's mentally unstable and leaves evidence framing her for Amanda's death. Jain then abducts Kaylee's best friend Nate to harvest his kidney before trying to have Kaylee killed as well.
