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YMMV / Mystery Science Theater 3000 S06 E22: Angels Revenge

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  • Funny Moments:
    • Crow, as an angry audience member during the "Shine Your Love" musical number: "HOW ABOUT SHINING MY STEAK OVER HERE?"
    • During the same production number (which is set at a Vegas casino): "I JUST LOST TWENTY-THOUSAND DOLLARS!"
    • Crow, on Jim Backus: "This was Jim Backus' first film after he died."
  • Genius Bonus: At one point, Crow asks if Jim Backus is the God of wine.
  • Harsher in Hindsight/ Hilarious in Hindsight: At the end, as the credits roll over a still of the seven female protagonists in a V-Formation Team Shot, Mike asks, "Hey, where was Bruce Jenner in this shot?", and Servo quips "He's the one on the left". Caitlin Jenner has since come out as a trans woman, so the prior joke can come across as a case of misgendering and deadnaming... or funny.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Michelle climbing a ladder with the camera focus right on her butt makes Crow exclaim "Hey you're giving away the plot!" years before "I watch it for the plot" gained Memetic Mutation.
