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YMMV / Metal Family

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • Ches plays off the record mixup as an accident, but did he purposely switch out the music to bug a stuffy classmate?
    • Why did Gustav end up giving Glam back his trashed miniature as his inheritence? Was it a way to apologize, to show he was sorry for what happened that night and wished he could fix it? Or was it a reminder that Glam was trash in his father's eyes, and only deserved trash from him? The fact that gathering up the smashed miniature in the first place would have taken a bit of time and effort muddies the point a bit.
    • If it was an attempted apology it says something he kept the model and not the journal. He kept something Glam phyically worked on and expressed himself into, a tangible thing he could see as proof, rather than the journal that showed his emotions and expressed himself better. Given Gustuv's a very stuff = status type of guy it makes sense he wouldn't even think to keep the journal even if he has a change of heart.
    • Did Gustav leave everything to Lydia because he thought Glam didn't deserve it? Or was it because he knew all the things would ultimately be meaningless to Glam, and thought returning the model would be more considerate?
  • Nightmare Fuel: Glam's backstory. Especially seeing his father beating his wrist with a ruler until it bleeds.
