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YMMV / King Of The Hill S 3 E 13 De Kahnstructing Henry

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  • Harsher in Hindsight: When Hank finds Kahn, Kahn tells him he can't go home to his family until he gets a good job, saying "You not understand. You somebody's worker bee. If I accept your redneck life, it like I bury myself alive.". In "The Redneck Of Rainey Street", Kahn and Minh actually embrace the redneck lifestyle and almost lose everything.
  • Informed Wrongness: We're supposed to believe Hank was responsible for Kahn getting fired because he told Dale, Bill and Boomhauer details about a top-secret project which Kahn had shared with him. But Kahn signed a non-disclosure agreement and then showed an outsider, under false pretenses (claiming they needed propane when the building doesn't use any), just to show up his neighbor with the expectation Hank would tell people. Kahn was sworn to secrecy and was rightfully fired for breaking it. Hank even said it was Kahn's own fault. note 
  • Jerkass Woobie: Kahn who's been pretty rude to everyone and brags about his lifestyle, but deep down is insecure when he loses his job, stemming from his Asian upbringing, making him feel he needs to be on top.
  • Unintentionally Unsympathetic: On the other hand, Kahn, regardless of heritage and pride, is still a Jerkass who put his family at risk solely because of ego, inability to keep his damn mouth shut, and his insecurities. If he was just a little kinder, he would have gotten a cheaper, temporary job and immediately followed up with a better paying job. Which would avoided half this episode from happening.
