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  • Awesome Music:
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • While most of the terror in the game comes from the reverse scenes, some of the more mundane moments have their own scares, too. Take, for instance, the scene where Marissa accidentally discharges a prop gun directly into Carl's chest - a frighteningly-realistic look at the dangers of carrying a loaded gun on-set, and not too far away from similar incidents that have happened in real life. It's almost a relief to discover that the apparent "accident" was a deliberate murder, although Marissa and Carl's stunned, numb reactions might still hit too close to home.
    • Almost any scene involving The One - the game's true protagonist, and a fourth wall-breaking immortal serial murderer who devours people in order to take over their lives. Everyone who has played IMMORTALITY remembers the first time they saw her, probably popping into existence as a Jump Scare while they were rewinding what seemed like an innocuous clip. It's arguably worse early on, when the player has no idea who or what this strange, alien-like woman staring directly into the camera even is.
  • Slow-Paced Beginning: Due to the game's nonlinear nature, it can take a while before you have enough information about who's who in which movie to get a picture of what's happening. Before then, you're basically watching random movie clips, almost definitely out of order, possibly from different movies clip to clip.
