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YMMV / Hilda S 1 E 9

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Was Frida's sighing caused by regret, frustration, or both? If it was regret, was it out of sorrow for scolding Hilda for getting failing to get her book back, throwing her shoe at Hilda, or was Frida more regretful for making a big fuss about a missing book? If the sighing was caused by frustration, was it caused by the frustration of Frida's friends failing to help, the feeling of not being perfect, or was Frida frustrated about being unable to get her book back?
  • Informed Wrongness: While arguing with Hilda at the end of the episode, Frida points out that her reckless and free-spirited attitude has put them in many situations where they almost died. While Hilda’s attitude can occasionally be a bit irritating, it’s hard to blame her since she recently moved from the wilderness, and she’s usually a sweet girl at heart with her chaos ultimately being done to help others. It should also be noted that none of their adventures were even her fault (well, most of them, anyway), but rather supernatural causes that she had little-to-no control over at the time. Knowing all of this, however, Frida willingly chose to join the group’s quests out of desperation to be perfect, yet still had the audacity to blame Hilda for “causing” all of it.
  • Unintentionally Sympathetic: David. While he was being a bit annoying towards Frida about her lack of perfection with her room, he ultimately has a point in that she should’ve just cleaned her own room instead of deliberately messing it up each night and making him and Hilda do all of the work just to help with her insecurities.
  • The Woobie: Poor Hilda. Imagine if you tried your absolute best to fulfill a promise, only to be prevented from doing so just when you were about to accomplish the tasks of of keeping it (from someone cheating against you in a competition, no less), and then forced to endure your friend blaming you for the whole ordeal when you had nothing to do with it. It’s a miracle she forgave Frida in the season finale without even a proper apology from her.
