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YMMV / From Hare To Heir

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Was Bugs a legitimate document bearer, or was he lying about the money and only a free-loading con-artist trying to live a high-life?
  • Unintentionally Sympathetic: Sure Sam was being nasty to his servants, so there is no doubt that he is not a nice guy, but when he tries to go sleep, Bugs Bunny keeps playing music at a loud volume keeping Sam awake, and when Sam begs Bugs to play a Soothing Lullaby, Bugs plays the Lullaby on a Bass Drum with Cymbals very loudly, this no doubt makes Sam crankier than ever. It is one thing to make a jerk lose his money, but keeping a said jerk awake all night long almost makes you feel sorry for him. It is almost like Bugs Bunny is intentionally trying to make Sam lose all of his money which is exactly what happens to him by the end of the cartoon.
    • Of course, that all goes away when you realize two things: (1) Bugs is just doing his job... most likely, he has to act like a jerk to test Sam's temper, and if Sam had the slightest control of his anger, or was the least bit Genre Savvy (not likely with Sam), he would have had no problem. (2) By the end, Sam has decided to outright murder Bugs. His three biggest tirades are brought about by his own stupidity. Near the end, he isn't even trying to hide it: he tries to take an ax to Bugs, and ends up falling down several flights of stairs. No one would award the money to a guy like that.
