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YMMV / Fantastic Detective Labyrinth

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The YMMV page for the manga and anime of Fantastic Detective Labyrinth

  • Accidental Aesop:
    • Puts an emphasis on the Power of Friendship regarding social classes. Mayuki is by no means malevolent (quite the opposite really), nor is Seiran that much of an Aloof Big Brother, since the former is drawn by his power to keep him in the mansion and the latter simply wants to protect him from the Big Bad. However, if it was not for Mayuki choosing to go outside and making his friends with normal people, he might not have been able to control his powers and save the world.
  • Karmic Overkill: Mukuno, a music teacher at Hatsumi’s high school, is shown taking advantage of girls by having them donate money to him for love. While he is by no means a nice person in this stance, Hatsumi was more than willing to stand up to him for his wrongdoings. Instead, he is brutally murdered by a heartbroken woman who tries to disguise it as an urban legend of the school. In-Universe, Miyako found this be going too far.
