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YMMV / Doctor Who S13 E5 "The Brain of Morbius"

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  • Fan Wank: Who were the faces shown to the Doctor by Morbius? Were they previous incarnations of the Doctor (as intended by the production team), or were they incarnations of Morbius (a fandom retcon after later stories established the regeneration limit)?
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In a similar case to Forbidden Planet, some newcomers to the show may chuckle at the episode/main villain's name due to the absurd levels of Memetic Mutation surrounding the film Morbius. Even funnier is that Matt Smith, the Eleventh Doctor, played the main villain in that film.
  • Signature Scene: The mind-bending contest between the Doctor and Morbius, in which the Doctor's previous faces are apparently shown, is by far the most famous scene in this serial for the massive Continuity Snarl caused by it.
