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YMMV / Deemo II

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  • Angst? What Angst?: Echo is oddly cheerful for someone who literally came Back from the Dead, and the other residents don't really make a big deal of it either. When Echo tells Dixit she doesn't remember anything about her resurrection, he replies that maybe she'll remember more the next time she "returns."
  • Diagnosed by the Audience: Pimi, who speaks stiltedly, runs away from Echo every time he sees her at first, and later seems to hyperfixate on finding charts to give her to the point of ignoring his hunger.
  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • In general, the Central Station Residents are nice and genuine people who are trying to make the best out of their situation and willing to help one another, best shown in some of the bulletin board posts they put up.
    The window at the far end of the Annex is pretty dangerous, it looks like it might break. Also, the skylight is constantly leaking. Be careful when you're walking around there!
    I saw some petals around there before... I hope no one got hurt...
    Don't worry, I just swept those in a pile over there.
    • Any time Klaus drops his gruff demeanor and shows his Hidden Heart of Gold.
    • Talking to Wake after you finish Chapter 1 can get you this dialogue, indicating that The Gambling Addict really does care about Echo.
    Wake: Echo, since you're leaving... Let's bet! One more time! I bet you'll come home safe and sound!
