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YMMV / Babylon Five S 04 E 04 Falling To Apotheosis

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  • Harsher in Hindsight: Delenn is stricken at the knowledge that Sheridan will die before his time, at the age of around 60. As of 2021, five Babylon 5 cast members had died in their early to mid sixties, including Mira Furlan herself — and three more before they even made it to 60. In fact, Bruce Boxleitner is one of the few cast members who has made it to 70.
  • Special Effects Failure: Something the producers acknowledged. For the scene in which Ulkesh's encounter suit is shot/electrocuted until it's destroyed and the Vorlon himself comes out, they had originally rigged up a special head for the suit that would explode. They even created a spare head as a backup for an extra shoot. While setting up the shot, the charges in the first head went off prematurely. The scene had to be setup again and the head replaced with the spare, and then that one exploded prematurely too. With no spares and no time to build more, they were forced to use a rush-job CGI effect for the head exploding.
