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Western Animation / Small Talk

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Small Talk is a 1994 short film (not quite six minutes) directed by Bob Godfrey.

A little old man stands at a street crossing. An enormous tough guy starts bullying the little old man—but the little old man, whose name is Sid, proves surprisingly tough. Or so he claims, as the whole story is being told by Sid in voiceover. In any case, after his encounter with the tough guy, Sid has a similar encounter with an obnoxious policeman. Finally, Sid meets Queen Elizabeth II. Or does he?


  • Groin Attack: Sid defeats the tough guy with a kick to the nuts, followed by a headbutt.
  • Historical Domain Character: Queen Elizabeth II appears in her carriage in a procession, and, when she sees Sid, offers him a lift.
  • Look Behind You: The tough guy is menacing Sid when Sid says "What's that on your boot?" When the tough guy looks down, Sid kicks him in the nuts and then headbutts him.
  • Miniature Senior Citizens: Sid specifies that he is in fact a senior citizen. He's also about three feet tall.
  • The Münchausen: An old guy in a bar tells a series of nonsense tales about how he's a martial arts expert, an international spy, and best friends with the Queen.
  • Old Master: If you believe Sid, he's a karate master.
  • Real Time: It's actually a series of Imagine Spots as an old guy tells tall tales in a pub for five minutes.
  • Thick-Line Animation: The short is drawn in a deliberately retrograde, thick-line style.
