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WMG / Wolfwalkers

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The Lord Protector survived the fall
Since Oliver Cromwell died in 1658 in Whitehall, he may have swum to shore after falling, returned to England, and resumed his duty.

Lots of people survive after diving of off cliffs into water.

The Wolfwalkers are part of or are the beginnings of the Irish Travellers.
They definitely have the aesthetic of the Irish Travellers in the epilogue, driving a richly decorated Vardo wagon and becoming nomads. Furthermore, genetic research suggests that the Travellers diverged from the settled Irish around Cromwell's invasion, possibly due to both physical and cultural displacement. This generally parallels the themes of the Wolfwalkers as a people culturally separated from the town and eventually turn to living on the road.
  • Although since they based it off of Irish history this is probably a coincidence, but it would be cool to see acknowledgement on this.

Padraig was telling the truth that his father was a hunter and was arrested for no reason.
One of the historical Cromwell's plans for pacifying Ireland was indeed exterminating the wolves there, but needed hunters to do it. The prospect of armed Irish men running around the countryside (i.e. basically enemy combatants) was unacceptable, so hunters like Padraig's father were arrested and replaced with professionals from England like Bill.
  • Related to the above: the arrest of Padraig's father caused him to become a homeless street urchin after he lost his only family.
  • It's also possible that Padraig's father got bitten by a Wolfwalker. Because of this, he was arrested. This was kept a secret for obvious reasons, or maybe no one had the guts to tell the kid.

The Wolfwalkers didn't go extinct, but moved elsewhere.
The last wolf in Ireland was killed in 1786 but there are still wolves elsewhere. While running around Ireland would have allowed the Wolfwalkers to survive for a few more decades, the forests continued to disappear and the island would eventually be tamed. The Wolfwalkers or their descendants could conceivably have made the decision to move to mainland Europe or even the colonies in America, where there is far more wolves and wilderness. There they could morphed and merged with other werewolf lore and cryptids.

Even if they did escape, the struggle still continues. The directors mentioned that in doing research, they found out that the witch trials in the British colonies also targeted women from Kilkenny, such as our Wolfwalkers here. Wolves would continue to be systematically exterminated on both continents for the next few centuries until public opinion changed.

  • If in the same continuity as Song of the Sea they could very well have gone to Tír na nÓg.
    • Would they? The Wolfwalkers aren't really Daoine Sídhe like in Song of the Sea. They were originally a human tribe who were given the ability to become wolves by a Christian saint.
  • Although keep in mind that there are other Wolfwalkers. The Wolfwalkers that got exterminated don't necessarily have to be the ones that we are familiar with.

Moll forbidding Mebh from biting anyone was for Mebh only.
Let's face it, if Mebh was allowed to, she would probably end up biting everyone she met to try and make more Wolfwalkers. Moll, being more experienced and reserved, would only recruit those she could trust, and herself had no compunctions about biting Bill. While Bill was threatening her daughter when she bit him, she also could have deduced he was Robyn's father and thus could potentially switch sides. People like Sean, while supportive, probably wouldn't have come along with her. Mebh was pretty lucky that Robyn turned out to be an ally instead of selling out the den the moment she got back to town.

Possible origins for Moll & Mebh's Jewelry
It's beautiful, but once you stop to think about it its odd enough to see medieval women wearing earrings, least of all golden ones. Gold is rare, hard to come by and likely to be stolen at some point. But it's also not the only shiny yellow metal out there. Polished bronze, as an example also has a golden color and is entirely more attainable.
  • Bronze was once literally everywhere. It can easily be made by anyone who knows the simple formula. It requires only low heat to smelt & can be made without a proper forge.
  • It's likely that these are heirlooms, their detail work done by artisans among the wolfwalkers at a time when they were more prevalent.

The Lord Protector's suicide was an attempt at Dying as Yourself.
He noticed the wolfwalker magic coursing around the bite, remembered that Bill had become a wolfwalker after getting bitten, and realized he was becoming what he hated.

There will be more stories not necessarily about the main characters, but about the other Wolfwalkers.

When the Lord Protector died, he went to Hazbin Hotel's Hell
And he got turned into a wolfman for his troubles.

The Wolfwalkers sequel will take a long time to arrive.
Although Tomm Moore stated that there are currently no plans for a Wolfwalkers sequel, just like his previous films The Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea have no sequels. That does not take away the possibility that in some not too distant future, a Wolfwalkers sequel will arrive, we will have to wait for time and see if we will ever see a Wolfwalkers sequel.

In a possible sequel to Wolfwalkers, our protagonists will face an evil Wolfwalker.
For a few months, while Robyn, Mebh along with Bill and Moll continue their journey in search of a new home for themselves and the wolf pack. They will run into an evil wolfwalker named "Airitech". Airitech is an arrogant and proud wolfwalker, he hates humans for almost extinguishing Wolfwalkers and also wolves and forests, he would use his charisma to win sympathy and join the families of Robyn and Mebh on their journey to find a new home. Although they did not trust him at first, his knowledge of the Wolfwalkers' past proved invaluable to Moll and captivating to Mebh.

He was soon able to gain her trust. For the first time in many years, Airitech felt a flash of hope in his chest. Perhaps there was a chance that his kind would return ... and when they did, he would take revenge on humanity. He just needed some wolfwalker magic and some old Tuatha artifacts first... Then Robyn, Mebh, Bill and Moll would have to face and stop Airitech, also in the sequel there would be the theme of Ape Shall Never Kill Ape.

The Wolfwalkers got their powers from Aisling from The Secret of Kells who was shown to be able to magically shift from a human to a wolf
