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WMG / Willow (2022)

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The character of Dove is actually Elora Danan from the movie.
She's in disguise for protection and her reveal will be a plot point.
  • Confirmed.

The antagonists are trying to call Bavmorda back from the Netherworld.
At one point in the trailer there is a brief clip of a howling wraith that looks like it's wearing Bavmorda's wimple and crown.
  • Actually, that could explain why they abducted Airk. They could need to use a blood relative in a ritual to revive her with Blood Magic.
    • Blood magic using a descendant of Bavmorda is discussed by Sorsha with Kit after Airk's abduction.

Madmartigan will appear as a surprise cameo
  • He may show up either as a prisoner of the bad guys, or as The Cavalry to rescue Willow and Co. in the finale. Val Kilmer's voice loss might be explained as being the effect of severe torture, wounded at the throat in battle, or just under an evil spell.
    • Zig-Zagged. Val doesn't appear in the show save for some Stock Footage from the original film, but the possibility of him returning to the role if the show is renewed has been reported and his son Jack Kilmer provides Madmartigan's voice in the sixth and eight episodes.

Willow is a part of the Cthulhu Mythos.
The series mentions a Pnakotic language, has a quick reference to the fungi from Yuggoth, and has a family whose surname is Hastur. The world of Willow is probably a part of the Dreamlands. The Worm is connected to "De Vermis Mysteriis," or possibly one of the forms of the Crawling Chaos, Nyarlathotep.
  • Well, Nockmaar is made of black stone, something constructions of the Great Old Ones are noted for. . .

The Quest Takes place in the same world as Willow.
Specifically, the Disney+ reboot of The Quest takes place in the Willow series, and roughly simultaneously. It has the same fantasy-medieval aesthetic and multiethnic population, and the Gales are very similar to Tavora's Dark Legions, with Tavora herself being one of the Six fay who turned against the teaching of magic and embraced power, becoming evil in the process. Sanctum even got its own Barrier, though like the one around Tir Asleen, it too is failing: unlike Tir Asleen and its affiliated kingdoms, Sanctum and the other kingdoms from The Quest - presumably in a different part of the map from the lands in Willow, or possibly even on a different continent - can't rely on the legend of Elora Danan and don't believe in her prophecy, or it might not have ever been part of their beliefs. So, they take matters into their own hands and summon Paladins instead, with the three goddesses being entities similar to that of Willow's Cherlindrea. Verlox is an eldritch entity along the lines of the Wyrm, or possibly even another facet of the same being.
