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WMG / Violet Evergarden

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Violet is from the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Her overall physical prowess suggests shes from a world where Gods, Aliens, Mutants and Super Heroes are the norm. Her appearance indicates she's an Asgardian. She lived on Asgard until Hela arrived and her people fled on a ship when its destroyed. However, Thanos caught up to them due to wanting the Space Stone from Loki. Before Thanos's forces boarded the ship, her parents teleported her outside the universe and into this one which also spared her when Thanos has all six Infinity Stones.
  • This is by far among the dumbest and most hilarious entries I've seen in my life. Genuinely made my day. How about Violet is a Stand User?

The woman that appeared in Episode 2 to write a letter to a car dealer isn't really the stuck up type.
The way she requested a letter that made her appear hard to get makes it easy to assume she was a stuck up bitch who was annoyed by the car dealer's interest in her, but wanted to play with him regardless. Violet wrote a bare and to-the-point letter that made her appear that way, contrary to her request at a playful and arrogant letter. She clearly admits that she did love the car dealer, and claims acting stuck up is how she believed women were "Supposed" to act. Upon closer inspection this seems less like a tantrum and more so social conditioning, as the post-World War 1 inspired aesthetic means this takes place in a time period where this kind of behavior was common (albeit less "Bitchy" more "Playful"). She may have been acting this way because it was the only way she could fit in as an upper class woman, and is distraught "Normal" behavior isn't working out for her like it does for everyone else.

The world of Violet Evergarden is the same one as Fireball
Episode 5 of Violet Evergarden clearly presents us with the romance between the princess Charlotte Abelfreyja Drossel and the prince Damian Baldur Flugel. Now, jump many, many, many, many, many, years ahead and it seems in their future war has erupted once again, but this time between humans and robots. How do we know this? Because the heroine of Fireball's full name is: The 19th Lord of Uranus' Kingdom's Tempest Domain, Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürstin von Flugel.
