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WMG / The Outer Limits (1995)

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TV series

The Control Voice is a computer AI
Each episode is a simulation created by the AI showing how humanity will end, or flourish. The same actors popping up in different parts throughout the series are based off of the people who created him (Scientists, Military personal, etc.) since the AI is limited in some aspects and it can't create a entire world of new avatars so it will reuse people he knows. Alex Diakun is the scientist who created him while Tom Butler is the ceo of the robotics company who funded the scientist's research.

The 1995 episodes 'The Quality of Mercy' and 'The Light Brigade' are actually prequels to the original series episode 'Demon with a Glass Hand'
In 'The Quality of Mercy' and 'The Light Brigade' mankind is plunged into a disastrous war with an alien race which has the ability to take human form. In 'Demon with a Glass Hand' mankind has lost the war and been wiped out but has sent an android back to the past (pursued by the humanoid aliens which he defeats) with the ability to recreate humanity whilst deploying a biological doomsday weapon in the future which annihilates the aliens.
