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WMG / The Battle Cats

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Emperor Cat was initially supposed to be a new UL Legend, before becoming a Legend Rare.

Emperor Cat is unique as the only Legend Rare to have an enemy counterpart, in the form of Evil Emperor Cat. This enemy counterpart is Relic, like all of the ones from the Uncanny Legends. Additionally, Emperor Cat parallels Li'l Nyandam, though without being an exact copy like Urs was to Ururun; both of them are Cat counterparts to Dark Emperor Nyandam and attack from 551 range. Finally, Evil Emperor Cat was added to the game around 10 subchapters after Urs & Fenrir were introduced, which is about the amount of time it took for Urs to be added after Dogumaru. Thus, it's possible that Emperor Cat was supposed to be another UL Legend, before being made into a Legend Rare and its enemy counterpart being reused as an advent.

The fat rice cat is secretly a master engineer.

Apart from the colour (shared with other TFs) and the cat carrying the R.A.I.W. flag, the fat rice cat is the only visible difference between the evolved Iron Legions and their TFs. What if he's the reason why they're more powerful than the evolved forms, because he upgraded them? It would explain why the crew allows him there, even though he just sits there and eats rice; he doesn't have anything to do until there's a mechanical problem.
