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In Substitute Teacher Problems, Stephen and Matt switch their names for a prank. However, Stephen has been found to have murdered 30 people in the last ten minutesnote . This can be tied to 'Easily Offended Friends', where the police was looking for a homicidal maniac, and Stephen revealed himself to be that maniac. In both sketches, Stephen has the same role of being a Devil in Plain Sight in a world of Super Gullible people. In Easily Offended Friends, Stephen revealed himself to be the homicidal maniac and pulled out a knife, but the others react as if it's normal to them. This explains why Stephen got away with murder in Substitute Teacher Problems, but he managed to convince his gullible class into thinking that Matt was him and vice versa, so Matt had become a scapegoat for Stephen's crimes, while the real Stephen got away scot-free. It sounds strange, until you watch the two together and things make more sense.
The carolers in Beware of Christmas Carolers are controlled by a Hive Mind
The carolers share a consciousness, communicating their collective thoughts with a Voice of the Legion in song. Then they continuously demand Mallory and Jeremy to hand over their stuff, becoming increasingly threatening when they are agitated. Had the couple not satisfied their needs, they would have become carolers too.
