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WMG / Smallfoot

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Migo and Meechee become a couple sometime during the movie.
This is true and later becomes a cannon because near the climax of the film, Migo slowly returns up the mountain in a groggy state and he’s very tired from the tranquilizer dart. He soon realizes that Percy shot him to save him. He tells Kolka, Gwangi and Stonekeeper that he loves them, much to Kolka and Gwangi’s happiness and much to the Stonekeeper’s confusion. He also accidentally reveals his deep romantic feelings for Meechee and tries to say that he misses her. To his delight and happiness, Meechee feels the same way as he does for her.
  • Confirmed.

The whole movie itself is actually like a documentary film about the lives of Migo and his tribe.
This must be the case because there was literally an interview with actor Channing Tatum one time somewhere online and he mentions that this film is a “real film and that it’s actually like a documentary about Himalayan Yetis discovering Smallfoot”. He wasn’t joking about it either because he wanted to see the movie so badly with his 5 year old daughter.
  • Confirmed.

Smallfoot almost got a PG-13 to an R rating before being released to theaters
This is a fact. The reason why Smallfoot almost got a PG-13 to an R rating before being released to theaters is because the word genocide is in the movie, in the song, ‘Let it Lie’.
  • Confirmed.
