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WMG / Shovelware's Brain Game

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Possible future questions
  • Nonsense non-sequiturs
    • "If you have 10 cookies, and someone takes away half of them, what would they have?"
    A. 5 cookies. B. A broken hand. C. Diabetes. D. A lack of discipline growing up
    Dancing Banana: They will if they take away your cookies!
    • "Do you like my new hat?"
    A. Yes B. No C. Maybe, I dunno D. Get a better hat
    Dancing Banana: He has a hat?
    • "Rabbit Season!"
    A. Offseason! B. It's Winter! C. Duck Season, Fire! D. Elmer Season!
    Dancing Banana: Let's try that again!

Possible future categories
  • Get your game on! - A category dedicated to Video Games and Video Game related topics
    • "In 1981, Nintendo released their hit arcade classic: Donkey Kong, Starring Jump-Man, Pauline, and the ape himself, Donkey Kong...But, did you know they weren't originally the stars of the show? Who were the original characters going to be?"
    A. Mario, Peach, and Bowser. B. Micky Mouse, Minnie Mouse, and Pete. C. Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Bluto. D. Scooby Doo, Shaggy, and Creeper.
    Dancing Banana: Say, that reminds me of that Cantaloupe that's always taking me above the studio. Doesn't he know how much he's costing me to replace those barrels? I
  • As Seen On TV - A category dedicated to TV shows or TV show related topic.
    • What year was the first television created?
    A. 1967. B. 1927. C. 1987. D. 2023
    Dancing Banana: Without television, I'd be out of a job.
  • Silver Screen Classics - A category dedicated to movie related questions.
    • What movie studio is the oldest running studio...ever?
    A. Warner Bros. B. Disney. C. Paramount. D. Universal
    Dancing Banana: I think that cantaloupe in the audience is older than all those studios combined.
  • Animation Domination - similar to As Seen on TV and Silver Screen Classics, but just for animation.
    Ehhh, what's up Doc? You all know the beloved cartoon character Bugs Bunny, the star of Looney Tunes. But Bugs is actually not the very first Looney Tunes character created for the studio. If it's not Bugs, then who was the very first star of Looney Tunes?
    A. Marvin the Martian. B. The Dancing Banana. C. Bosko. D. Daffy Duck.
    Dancing Banana: We treat Bosko like Bruno: We don't talk about Bruno.
  • Culture Clash - A category about cultures around the world to make the show more international friendly.
    Which one of these etiquettes is considered rude in Japan?
    A. Tipping you waiter. B. Shaking someone's hand. C. Opening the door for someone. D. Paying for the meal
    Dancing Banana: My PayPlace is
  • Roblox History - A category about Roblox's past events.
    Roblox used to have a second currency prior to Robux. What were they called?
    A. Rocoins B. Tickets C. Ropoints. D. Studs
    Dancing Banana: If you were really early, there actually was a third currency Roblox used, called Player Points. Which they brought back and reworked.

Possible future prizes
  • A box of L.A.Z.Y "Ro-Blocks"
    • "From the makers you've come to know, it's the L.A.Z.Y "Ro-Blocks"! So you've decided you want to add some pizzazz to your obby, but you just don't have the skill to make something complex? Well, L.A.Z.Y has got your back! Comes in a variety of sets, ranging from the classic "House" to the illustrious "Crossroads"!"
      • "If you need to add spice to your obbies, L.A.Z.Y has your back!"
  • A (CENSORED) bar that doubles as a Lobotomy Corporation reference
    • "...This thing! Apparently the guys we borrowed it from say that it's a (CENSORED) but behaves like a (CENSORED) and has the body of a (CENSORED), but whatever it is, it's too madness-inducing for the human eyes, we have to censor it in it's entirety! Maybe you can figure out what it is! I-if you haven't lost your marbles yet or died, that is."
      • "You know its (CENSORED), but looking at it for more than 10 seconds still makes you sick."
  • A tape labled "REAL SLEEP", mostly because we do have a Local58 expy in this game
    • "Straight from an abandoned GW6 broadcasting studio, it's the Real Sleep demonstration tape! Want a nice nap without having to dream? Just four easy to know sequences, you'll be sleeping like a baby underneath the moonlit sky! (Disclaimer: Shovelware's Brain Game is not responsible for any brainwashing implications this tape might have. Do not see a doctor after watching.)
      • "Learn to sleep like a pro!"
  • A used car
    • "A USED CAAR! No, not new, used! 3 years of getting lost in the forest have lead to this automobile not so mobile these days, but just with a few tweaks and an allen wrench, you can get this old car back on it's wheels!"
      • "It just needs some tuning up, then straight to Vegas it goes!"
  • A claymore or excalibur-style sword
    • "Forged in a volcano, tested on dragons, this fancy shmancy blade of the medieval ages brings you immense power with just a slice! Use it for anything, slaying monsters, opening your envelopes, making dinner, whatever! It can do it all!"
      • "Theres an engraving on it saying "property of King Arthur"."
  • A briefcase full of ash that doubles as a Total Drama reference
    • "A million dollars! Well, not exactly. Someone thought it would be a good idea to throw it in a volcano and let it sit there for a few months. Is it valuable anymore?"
      • "Does this count as counterfeit?"
  • A pack of chalk that doubles as a Family Guy reference
    • "Some chalk that we have left over in our studio! This eight color pastel chalk pack will turn your drawing skills into a masterpiece. Hammock and trip to Delaware not included!"
      • "Looks pretty tasty!"
  • A pie, which doubles as a reference to Toontown Online and ASDF Movie
    • I baked you a pie. What flavor? Pie flavor! And if you don't like it, just yeet it at a businessman and they just might EXPLODE!
      • "It's pie flavour."
  • A trip to the old obbies
    • A trip to experience some of our classic obbies such as Stop Pr-... I'm being told by Agent Desist that I'm not allowed to list the obbies we've done. Do you know which obby is totally not infringing on anything? Shrunken School Obby... (quietly) and also my obby. play it some time.
      • "No obbies were created after Shrunken School Obby."
  • A contract for legalized arson.
    • "A contract that gives you free passes to arsonism! Burn whatever you want, the police aren't gonna stop ya! J-just don't burn down my house, there are a lot of things I hold dearly in that thing."
      • "Grab some gas and a matchbox, and get to burning..just don't burn his house."
Possible future events
  • The dancing banana would start to remember one of Shovelware's past obbys (Stop Professor Poopypants, Save Lightening McQueen, ect.) before being cut of with a D.M.C.A style "Please Stand By" screen, before cutting back to a beat-up banana.
    Dancing Banana: *looking from right to left* "I would like to say that Shovelware Studios have not made any other obbys prior to "Shrunken School Obby", any rumors that we have created obbys in the past, especially ones that involve copyrighted characters, should be reported to the Department of Mitigating Criminal Activity"...can I continue the show now?
  • A variant of Orange's knife cutscene, but this time he does hit Banana, who does the Mario death pose. Afterward, his lives count down from 3 to 2 in a similar style to Super Mario Bros.
    Dancing Banana: I really should be careful, don't want a repeat of that event in 1985.
