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The cargo Brandon stole in the Charcoal Trailer
It's the "Radiant" Ragora mentioned in the Regalia Trailer.
Ragora: I'll consider [surrendering] if you hand over the Radiant.

SLVR is an alternate universe from the main RWBY.
Seeing that the moon is intact.
  • Counterargument: It's a phase of the moon; we're looking at the undamaged side of the moon.

SLVR are Ruby's friends from Signal.

Vella is based on The Little Mermaid.
There's not much to go off of for this other than that Vella has an ocean motif. I would also wager that her relationship with Ragora, who is based off of a witch, is a reference to the sea witch.

Ragora, like Salem, represents witches from multiple stories.

The Radiant(s) are references to The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.
In the story, Princess Kaguya (whose name means "radiant night") comes from the moon, which is rather appropriate considering SLVR's emphasis on the moon.
  • It could also be guessed from this that the Radiant(s) are based on the five objects that Kaguya sets Impossible Tasks on.
  • Before returning to the moon, Kaguya leaves behind an elixir of immortality — given SLVR's alchemy theme, it should be noted that the Philosopher's Stone is also considered an elixir of immortality.

The number motif will be both four and five.
In RWBY, the number four is used on a regular basis (four members to a team, four trailers, four Relics, four Academies, four Maidens...), but SLVR breaks this at the start by having five trailers.
