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WMG / Punisher (2022)

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By the end of the series, his family will be dead again and he will have turned on The Hand
It's one of those Death by Origin Story things that's hard to permanently change. And it seems most likely that the Hand will be to blame.

The Priestess won't survive the series
Mentor Occupational Hazard applies to the Beast's servants as well.

The Beast won't survive the series
Frank will kill the Hand's demonic sponsor. About time someone did.

Ares and the Beast will merge into a single creature
A little less likely, but it would make for an interesting shake-up.

The Hand will be back to 'business as usual' in a few years
They're too well-known as ninjas for Marvel to reinvent them now.

The series will end with Frank dying or retiring
The end of the Punisher, one way or another?

The series will establish the Punisher as an outright villain
A downbeat ending, with the Hand successfully corrupting him.

Within a couple of years the Punisher will return to his previous skull and guns status quo
Cynical, but previous reinventions (Angel Punisher, War Machine, Frankencastle) didn't stick - Frank keeps moving back to his iconic version because that's what some fans seem to want.

Daredevil and Electra are coming for him.
Cuz that's what they do now.
