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WMG / Oxventure

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The Arc Villain for "Orb-Pocalypse Saga" isn't gone forever.
Although Vocatus's corporeal form was definitely destroyed, as a demon or imp of some sort, who's to sayhe's permanently dead? Some fiends reform after time in one of the hells...

Liliana will require a massive alliance, or at least some closely trusted allies, to take down.
Bets on allies who'd help:
  • Le Dragon d'Or: they're not close to Egbert, but Shattershield almost died at her hand and the Order would probably want to see her out of the picture.
  • Max the wandering paladin: again, they almost died when Liliana downed the balloon.
  • The Wizard Binbag: as one of the closest things the Oxventurers have to a Big Good, he and Liliana are naturally at odds and Binbag likely isn't going to stand for her evil deeds.
  • Suzette: she probably wouldn't take kindly to her younger brother nearly being killed.
  • Paniers: his quest to free the crew, and himself, was sabotaged by Liliana and he took this interference personally. He may or may not be able to talk the crew around with Corazon's help.
  • Seal Gaiman: he's probably just along for the ride and Scotch eggs.
  • Bismuth: if Liliana razed Necropolis-On-Sea (assuming the Mansion didn't rebuild itself as speculated), Bismuth is homeless and has lost the only home she's ever known.
    • Legacy of Dragons debunks the theory that the house was destroyed, but shows Bismuth isn't entirely happy with the events taking place there.
  • Rust-on-the-Harbour: he likes the group already and probably wouldn't take much persuasion. Liliana also may be out for his blood after he defected to them with little pressure.
  • Efelfrith's Chosen: the opportunity to fight Liliana gives them a rare chance to cut loose without concern for the Guild objecting to brutality.
  • Fighters from Inkwater: this is one of the few towns where the Guild are worshipped as heroes. They wouldn't take much convincing.
  • Katie Pearlhead: this one's really unlikely. If anything, Katie probably wouldn't need much convincing to join Liliana.
  • Aubrey the Tabaxi: Harry McEntire has made no secret of the fact he'd love to come back if the schedule allows it, and the gang are more than reciprocal of the idea.
  • Some of the player characters from the Dragonlance one-shot: it's a different plane of existence from G'eth, but who's to say that would stop them?
  • Egbert Clones: some of them have defected or tried to kill Liliana before.
  • Some of the Break Quest Club - it's unlikely they'd all be in, but some of them are game and they'd probably all be opposed to Liliana on principle.

    Backstory guesses 

Egbert's banishment was caused by manslaughter, or accidentally injuring a fellow of his quite badly.
Given Shattershield's ominous comment about Egbert not knowing his strength, or being restrained enough... who's to say a fight didn't get out of hand?
  • Confirmed in the "Legacy of Dragons" arc: He accidentally killed two of his fellow paladins with experimental bombs.

Corazon's mother either died or left the family home.
This is a shot in the dark, but she's not been mentioned very much by either him or dad.

Prudence's birth parents are still out there, somewhere.
Granted, they may not recognise their daughter, or be terribly happy to see her if they do...

    Other settings in the same universe or multiverse 
Break Quest Club is still in the same universe, just not in the same part of G'eth.
The map of the setting now doesn't cover the towns they visited. It may well be that they adventured some decades or centuries beforehand, when the land looked much different and towns weren't called what they are now?
  • Alternative guess: they're in a different version of G'eth, where history played out in a different way.

Dungeonbreaker is in the multiverse.
The series is long since over, so there won't be a crossover anytime soon, but the golden melon cameo may be caused by it slipping into the Oxventurers' reality through a hole in the universes.

Oxventure Presents: Blades In the Dark


Astor genuinely believed what he was arguing... at least up to a point.
There was, of course, some self-serving justification, but Astor seemed to believe in progress being the way forward for Volisport.

Astor is probably going to die after the events of the finale.
With the Barrier broken, his company in ruins, and probably no way to get medical attention for the lead poisoning he received, he isn't looking in a good way.

Oxventure Presents: Deadlands


The Red Hand Gang had a falling out in some way, hence why they're separate targets and not one big gang to split up.
It would explain why they've not mentioned each other, barring Boudreau referencing the events of "Forty Times a Killer".

Victoria is Evil All Along, or somehow not telling the whole truth.
While the members of the Red Hand Gang are evil bastards, we've seen little around Victoria's house to represent her supposedly dead family, like a photograph. Another possibility might be that she was a member of the gang in the past, but quit and this was taken poorly.

Delacy isn't American. He's a British expat.
Luke opts not to give Delacy an American accent and go for a (more manageable) version of the voice he used for Pickett in Blades. Maybe Delacy was born in England and, like several of his countryfolk, fled to the USA?

Garnet's dad was English.
Her dad was the only adult she really saw a lot of, as her mother was away. Maybe she picked up the accent from him?
