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WMG / Marathon Expanded Universe

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The Security Officer is a Time Lord.
...How has no one gotten put this here yet? Actually, the Jjaro are all Time Lords. It's why they're so resistant to anything changing in Eternal. The Security Officer is what would've happened if the Doctor hadn't developed such an antipathy to guns. If we're not just going with "the Cybernetic Junction is his TARDIS", then Leela probably behaves most like the TARDIS in "The Doctor's Wife". Durandal is River Song, of course; they're both a bit psychotic and a bit possessive. Hathor is the Master.

Rubicon/Eternal: Kate in the Rubicon dreams actually represents the player's forgotten memories of Hathor from Eternal starting to resurface.
But the player's memory of her remains garbled, so her name got corrupted: Hathor -> Katherine -> Kate.
