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WMG / Great Pretender

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Abigail is Kurdish
Why? It is stated that war broke out in her "homeland" which is most likely a reference to the Kurds living in a similar situation to this day (specifically Kurdistan). Kurds are an ethnic group native to a mountainous region of Western Asia known as Kurdistan, which spans southeastern Turkey, northwestern Iran, northern Iraq, and northern Syria. Her name might've been Kurdish before she changed it into her English one but it remains a mystery from this point. Who knows?
  • She's still a little too dark skinned to be 'pure' Kurd, or Arab (though Kurd's are a little darker, they're not that much darker). At the same time she doesn't look particularly African either. She's probably some level of Afro-Iraqi/Arabic mix.

A Member of Team Confidence will be Killed Off for Real in a future season
They love Faking the Dead so it makes sense from a Dramatic Irony standpoint. Edamame pretending to get shot and die on Cynthia’s island at the beginning of Case 2 is foreshadowing for how one of them actually will end up dying. My money is on Laurent because of Mentor Occupational Hazard.
