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The Liminal-verse version of Juyo...

  • Is a liminal: If Mundane-Juyo ever made a search for his name online and came up with squat, then the odds are pretty high that the Liminal-juyo would be something untouched by the scope of Internet all together. Making him a liminal most likely...
    • What kind of liminal that this Juyo would be is up in the air if this is the case though...
  • Already dead: If going by the theory that only one version of a person can exist within one dimension at any given time, the Mundane-Juyo´s entry into the Liminal-verse might have only been possible if the Liminal-verse one had ceased to exist and left a patch for him to fill.
    • If Liminal-Juyo was already dead at the time of the Mundane-Juyo´s entry or killed off right before by whoever the Original´s "Benefactor" is in order to make the arrival possible is a whole other question though...
  • Merged together with the Mundane-Juyo: Since there´s a chance that only one person can exist in the same existence at the time, then the two Juyo´s might have merged together to not disturb the balance of the universe too much upon the Mundane-Juyo´s arrival into it.
  • Traded places with the Mundane-one: All to uphold the balance of the paradoxes, which means that the Liminal-Juyo might be walking around in the Mundane-verse, replacing the Mundane-Juyo, which would make the latter´s potential disappearance while in the Liminal-verse go completely unnoticed for both the latter´s family and friends alike.
  • Never Existed: It's possible that the differences in the timelines resulted in one or more of Juyo's ancestors never meeting, butterflying him out of existence.

Juyo is classified as a "Yith" within the CEP.

Since Doppel/the Fanged Sea is an acknowledged existence within the Liminal-universe already, then the odds of other Lovecraftian horrors existing as well is pretty high. Since Doppel itself has confirmed that the title "The Crawling Chaos" exists, then the existence of H.P Lovecraft within the Liminal-verse has been confirmed as well, making the Yith a part of human literature and somewhat acknowledged. Besides, from a logical standpoint, a "Yith" is the only thing that Juyo can pass off as without raising any eyebrows since the species themselves are infamous for mind-swapping with other bodies through all of time and space as "mentally-based dimensional time-travelers", leaving no physical evidence of their existence behind during and after the swap has been made. It would be piece of cake for Juyo to pass off as one within the CEP, especially if Ms. Smith filled the paperwork for him regarding the "liminal species" part.

The Lamia-species are split into two camps in regards to the actions of the CEP.

One side supports "Conservatism" and rejects CEP in wishes of maintaining their traditions before the massive reveal of hte liminals´ existence to the mundane-world and the other side supports "Socialism" where the engaged liminal species supports the CEP and abide to their rules.

Which liminal species that´s part of which side is up to debate though...

Layra is part of the "Conservatory Party" in this clash of ideals, as she clearly holds the old ways and traditions in high regard, if judging from her actions.
