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WMG / Comes and Goes (in Waves)

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Ghost Klaus has only been kidnapped by The Commission
Five loves Klaus, which makes Klaus a very powerful bargaining tool. It's possible that Ghost Klaus is more valuable "alive" than double-dead. Not only this, but Ghost Klaus could be tortured by the Commission for information. Whether this would prove a worthwhile endeavour is debatable, but the Commission would likely try anyway. Finally, it would make for a very cathartic ending to have Ghost Klaus and Five reunited, yet it wouldn't make Ghost Klaus's death feel cheapened, because of the long-lasting effects it still would have on the characters and plot.
  • Confirmed, chapter 18 of for the ones who try again.
    • Only, Ghost Klaus wasn't tortured for information, he was tortured to understand metaphysics.

The Commission attempted to kill Ghost Klaus
The Commission has presumably never had the opportunity to test their ghost-harming technology, since they hadn't had any guinea-pigs. So, when they blasted Raithe with a ghost-banishing cannon, it's entirely possible that they didn't expect him to survive. This is even alluded to in chapter 20 of for the ones who try again, where Ghost Klaus comments that he "knows he can't die". How would he know this if not from it being tested? Ghost Klaus certainly didn't believe it during his Last Stand.
  • Jossed, the cannon was designed to capture Ghost Klaus.
    • However, it's likely that the Commission have attempted to kill Ghost Klaus, but not with that weapon.
