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WMG / Burning Witches

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The Final Fight is about Warhammer 40,000 great Crusade / Horus Heresy

  • It's about the Protector of Mankind and his Legion.
  • The band in general is inpired by bands like Judas Priest and Manowar, which are huge on heavy badass battles.
  • It would be the second nerdy shout out on the album (with Necronomicon and Boden's peak, mentionned in Dance with the Devil)
  • They are "sending their ennemies to hell", [[ Literal Metaphor which would be literal in the 40k universe ]], and you have a mix of modern setting (the lights in the streets have gone out), a sense of destiny and long war ("All has led up to this moment"), and it can be used quite adequately in-universe as a [[ National Anthem pre-Horus Heresy anthem to the glory of the Emperor and the Primarchs ]].
