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WMG / Batman: Earth One

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Bruce will found Arkham Asylum in the sequel
In this version, he's the Arkham family's last surviving heir (his mother was even born Martha Arkham), so he's presumably the rightful owner of the decrepit mansion that will eventually become the Asylum. And by the end of the first book, he's become a full-fledged vigilante, and he'll be facing off against more than his share of violent psychopaths in the near future. Having Bruce as the founder of the Asylum (which has traditionally been used a symbol of the inherent futility of his crusade against crime) would be too perfect an opportunity to pass up, since it would lend a hell of a lot more credence to the theory that he's in some way responsible for the villains that he fights. I'm seeing the potential for a lot of great What the Hell, Hero? speeches here.
  • Jossed for Volume 2.
  • Confirmed in Volume 3!

There won't be a Robin in this
In the event Dick Grayson does get introduced I suspect that he'll be introduced as Nightwing and he'll be more like Bruce Wayne's superhero partner than a sidekick. His personality in question could be a composite of Tim Drake and Jason Todd in which Nightwing has a more ruthless nature when dealing with criminals while in and out of costume he's like Tim Drake and Dick Grayson in personality.

He will be introduced right when the situation of the first volume has caused a small number of costumed heroes to spring up in Gotham who were inspired by Batman's actions.

  • Since all of the Earth One titles are supposed to be on the same earth, most likely at different times and places, there is a good chance that Robin will appear first in any future Teen Titans volumes where he was hinted at appearing, rather than being Batman's sidekick. Then again, there could be a chance he joins up with Bruce later on.

  • Jossed: he shows up near the end of Volume 3, as Batman forms the Outsiders.

Catwoman will be a major character in the third volume...
Just like the Riddler's cameo at the end of the first OGN, Catwoman's appearance at the end of volume 2 signifies that she will play an important role in the third volume.

As an added bonus, she will easily dechipher who Batman is beneath the cowl, due to the running gag of Bruce's identity being easily discovered in this universe

Catwoman will have a completely different backstory in Volume 3.
A backstory that also changes her goals in this universe. In contrast to her just be a thief, this Catwoman will actually have a larger plan that merely involves stealing things as a means to an end. A possible plot twist is that this Catwoman isn't named Selina Kyle, which could be used as an alias either way.

Volume 3 will hint at the Earth One version of The Joker.
This Joker will be divergent from what we know though. He'll have a different style from his clothes to his hair to even how he talks. It may even involve giving him a Race Lift so we don't suspect the character is the Joker when he first appears. He wouldn't be the main villain, but he'd be teased for a potential fourth volume.
  • Confirmed. He appears in The Stinger, freeing the Toyman from a prison transport.

Pamela Isley will appear in the series.
But in a twist, she never becomes Poison Ivy and may not even be associated with crime or plants at all.
  • Or in ANOTHER twist she actually is associated with plants..... she dies from nightshade.

Volume 3 will viciously deconstruct the typical Dating Catwoman relationship.
  • Jossed. Catwoman plays a comic relief role in volume 3, with little focus on romance.

Bullock will become the Earth One version of the Joker.
  • Jossed.
