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WMG / Akane

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AKANE Steam badges are a reflection of Akane's life and development at combat
  • Apprentice: Akane is just learning her combat abilities from Master Ishikawa.
  • Samurai: She becomes Master Ishikawa's servant in defeating the remaining yakuza bosses
  • Ronin: After killing her master, she was left without a master, hunted down by the Ishikawa's yakuza clan, and his son.
  • Battousai: Her main skill of hacking and slashing her enemies with katana becomes well known.
  • Master Samurai: She has ultimately mastered her Samurai skills. It also her growing infamy with said skills.
  • Dragon: Her combat abilities and infamy amongst her enemies, primarily the yakuza, has earned her the mythical status of a dragon. A nigh unstoppable beast.

Akane owns a suit of armor
She doesn't use it often as she finds it easier to fight in her normal clothes. Though she will wear it when in a dire situation. It could be a either a futuristic samurai armor or an armor with a dragon motif.

Sagio's Ultimate Battle takes place in the same universe as Akane
In the lore of the game in Akane, Sagio manages to copy Akane's Dragon Slayer move. A move that Saigo uses in his debut game, which one of Ludic Studios earliest games. It is unknown exactly when his debut game takes place before or after the events of Akane, though it seems afterwards, as its implied to be Sagio's own Last Stand.

When Akane dies, she ends up in Brawlhalla
And her weapons are Sword and Blasters.

The Yakuza's victory will be a Pyrrhic Victory
The media coverage of the "Mega-Tokyo Massacre" gave the Yakuza unwanted attention. Plus, Akane's killing many of their members have lowered morale and weakened their numbers.

Akane is a friend/acquaintance with RONIN (2015)
