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My Name is Benjamin and I live in Bielefeld, Westphalia, Germany. Also I am a Magister Artium (no 40k-joke, that's an actual academic degree in Germany) in Literature, Philosophy and Text-Technology. I'm and Addict of Firefly Merchandise, Worshipper of Jeff Vander Meer and Listener of Indie, Progressice Rock and the new Folk Music. I love franko-belgian Comics since my Childhood as well as Board-Games. On my Office Desk stands the Lego Version of a AT-TE. When people ask me about my job, I say that we build editorial systems for websites. I used to be a passionate Smoker of Cigars and Pipes as well as a Drinker of Whisky. But these days I tend more to homecooked Ragù alla Bolognese and Limoncello. And last but not least, I'm proud father of a daughter.
