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Tropers / Wahrheit

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Because Clan's the way to go.

I love kids. They're delicious. We should trade recipes.

A fairly odd college student currently in Management Information Systems (i.e. computer science for business, with accounting on the side). It took him a while to get there. He's still working on this page, if it weren't obvious.

He also enjoys meeting new people, so drop him a line sometime on AIM at "Wolf the Strider."

While he's still figuring out how to describe himself in tropes, as seems popular, he's also been developing a pair of original fiction/roleplaying settings. The first is Rydellion, his take on a standard fantasy world with some twists thrown in; the second is Days as Dark as Night, a modern-horror setting best described as "we're doomed, and then it got worse, but maybe it'll get better if we keep fighting." He'll be adding tropes applicable to those settings to this page.

Dark seyz: Oy! Work on this page already D:<
