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Tropers / Vigor Balloon

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Alright. I'm just some random guy on the internet. I saw a link to this site and I was addicted. So...

I made the YKTTW for Grave Humor (originally Tombstoner Humor, but due to voting and me listening to the suggestions of the people...tropers...Tropinians?) and contributed to it. Hehe... Paul E. Nate... I'm so clever.

Also, with my infinite wisdom, I created the YKTTW for Mineral MacGuffin (originally A Villains Best Friend, but not anymore thanks to apostrophes (not the Greek philosopher) (and my supreme Trope Naming Skills That Kills And Pays The Bills.) What a catastrophe!

And, because I'm so darn cool, I wrote the YKTTW for Something We Forgot (Originally Forgotten Something. Don't know why they changed it).

Additionally, The Powers That Be declared that I write the YKTTW for Coincidental Accidental Disguise. Yeah, I named it. Catchy, no?

Plus, I wrote the YKTTW for Picture Day. How in the world is Carmen Sandiego did we miss this?

Boy, this page is Parenthe-licious. It makes the Tropers go crazy.
